Member-Led Writing & Reading Groups
We coordinate a range of writing and reading groups for members to develop their skills and work as part of our writing community. Facilitated by members and provided free to members.
Please contact the organiser of each group for more information and to check that there is room for new participants before showing up to the next meeting.
Member Discussion Facebook Group
Join our brand-new Facebook discussion group, a space for members of the South Coast Writers Centre to connect and discuss writing related topics.
Drop-In Writing Group
Meets: Every Monday, 10am-12pm
Venue: Coledale Community Hall
Member Facilitator: Peter Frankis
Member Silent Write-Ins
Meets: Weekly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9.30am-3pm
Venue: Coledale Community Hall
These write-ins are designed to create a focused but communal space to foster creativity and productivity. Drop-in for an hour or two or stay for the whole day.
Poets in the City
Meets: 2nd Wednesday of the month, 1.30-3.30pm
Venue: Wollongong Library
Get your poetry into gear in 2023. A supportive group of poets - from established to emerging - meet to share, critique and develop their work. New members welcome. Face to face or via zoom.
Member Facilitator: Peter Frankis
Poetry Appreciation
Meets: 4th Wednesday of the month, 1.30-3.30pm
Venue: Wollongong Library Theatrette
We read and critically appraise a wide array of contemporary poetry for enjoyment and to hone those critical skills. Great for writers and readers. New members welcome. Face to face or via zoom.
Member Facilitator: Peter Frankis
Keira Fiction Writers
Member Facilitator: Dell Brand
Keira Fiction Writers meets on the first Wednesday of the month from 1pm to 2.30pm to workshop and discuss all manner of short fiction writing. The group is made up of a number of novel writers and is always seeking new members and new perspectives on writing.
Black Wallaby Indigenous Writers Group
The Black Wallaby Indigenous Writers Group is a team of Aboriginal writers from the Illawarra, the NSW Riverina, Gippsland, and Cape Barren Island. The Black Wallaby Indigenous Writers work on a wide variety of projects, from workshopping writing to the publication of the Dreaming Inside series. The group is always seeking new and emerging writers with a goal of raising the profile of Aboriginal literature within Australia’s literary culture.
Member Facilitators: Barbara Nicholson, Simon Luckhurst
Want to start a new group?
If you believe there is scope to introduce a new writing group, we’d be delighted to work with you: please contact us.