Member-Run Writers Groups

The South Coast Writers Centre offers a range of writing groups where members can develop and work together as part of our writing community. These groups are member-led and are free for members.


Write Me! is a small group setting for writers who want a weekly recommitment to their craft - a time to write and share. Ideal for those who have been writing for a while but struggle to make time to finish their works.

Drop-in Writing Group. Our Monday morning drop-in group is facilitated by Linda Godfrey. There's one hour of writing exercises and one hour of workshopping participants' work. It is not genre specific and meets at our home venue, Coledale Community Centre, Monday, 10am to 12 noon. As the name suggested writers can come along as time permits.

Poets in the City is a supportive group of poets - from established to developing - meeting to share, critique and develop their work. Now welcoming new members.

Poetry Appreciation is a reading group that reads and critically appraises a wide array of contemporary poetry for enjoyment. 

Keira Fiction Writers meet once a month to workshop and discuss all manner of short fiction writing. The group is made up of a number of novel writers and welcomes new members and new perspectives on writing.

Big Book Club is a social group that meets once a month to discuss a contemporary novel.