Submissions & Entries
Robert Gray Prize for Poetry
5 Islands Press announces this inaugural prize.
“A poem of not more than forty lines on the subject of nature” is the title of a poem of Robert’s that first appeared in Nameless Earth. And Robert’s title provides the line-length and theme (broad and inclusive but definitely earth-bound) for the prize named for him.
SCWC Poetry Award
The SCWC Poetry Award runs annually, seeking poems responding to a different Wollongong Art Gallery exhibition theme each year.
The winning entries will be published in the South Coast Writers Centre’s Anthology.
34 to 37 Degrees South Digital Poetry Anthology
From 8 July - 9 August the SCWC will invite members to submit poetry for an anthology of poetry on the theme of ‘signs’. Selected poems will appear in the next 34-37 Degrees South anthology.
Tideland: Art + Word Ekphrasis Challenge
Ekphrasis is a literary description of a visual work of art and for our project, we are inviting anyone 18 years and over to submit poems responding to artworks in the upcoming Tideland exhibition, to be held at SECCA from 14 February 2025.
River of Art Fest + SCWC Flash Fiction Competition
River of Art Festival, in association with the SCWC, announce a Flash Fiction Competition. Winners will be announced at the River of Art Festival 2024.
Submissions must be under 500 words, responding to the theme ‘many waters’.
Bundanon Group Writers Residency
This week-long retreat, 28 April - 4 May 2025, at Bundanon Homestead will allow eight emerging or established south coast writers to focus on developing or completing works. In order accept a place on this retreat you must be a SCWC member.
SCWC & Merrigong Playwrights Program
The SCWC / Merrigong Playwrights Program aims to create a space where writers are encouraged to develop their writing projects among a safe and supportive group of peers. Capped at 10 participants, this is a 10-month program that will run from February-November 2025.
Screenwriting Program
Graham Thorburn is looking to form a small group of mutually supportive writers with some experience in writing interested in writing a first draft of their own feature length screenplay over the course of 2025. Workshops will be held fortnightly on Thursday nights from 7pm at Coledale, starting in February.
Emerging Writers Mentoring Program
Emerging writers in this program will be connected with one of three writing mentors, Emma Darragh, Judi Morison or Hayley Scrivenor, for 10 hours of mentorship from the end of November 2024 to the end of January 2025.