Become a Member
The South Coast Writers Centre caters for members on the Far South Coast, Illawarra, Shoalhaven, Riverina, Eurobodalla Shire and the Southern Highlands. By becoming a member of the South Coast Writers Centre, you will gain access to networks and have the opportunity to grow a variety of skills through the many workshops, panels, events and meetings the SCWC holds for local writers and readers.
Membership Benefits:
A fortnightly newsletter providing information about events, opportunities and markets and invitations to readings, books launches and literary events
Free access to a range of ongoing SCWC members-only writing groups including the Keira Fiction Writers, Poets in the City, Online Memoir Group & Drop-in Writing Sessions
Connection to our local and regional writing community and invitation to exclusive members-only events
Discounted prices on professional development events, workshops and courses
Links to professional writing services such as manuscript assessment and editing
Discounted entry to writing prizes
Opportunities to promote your publications and writing services through our newsletter and website, and access to discounted advertising rates.
Access to the SCWC’s specialist writing & poetry library
Discounted hall and room hire at the Coledale Community Centre
Annual Membership
Standard $49
Concession $39
Students $25
Groups & Organisations $99
The SCWC Hardship Fund can be made available to members and their children who lack the financial means to attend SCWC workshops, events or courses, or to become members.
If you need access to the fund please email us.
Group / Organisation membership
Connection to our local and regional writing community and invitation for up to 2 representatives to exclusive members only events
Discounted price for up to 2 representatives for attendance at professional development events, workshops and courses
Links to professional writing services such as manuscript assessment and editing
Opportunities to promote your events, publications and writing services through our newsletter and website, and access to discounted advertising rates.
Discounted hall and room hire at the Coledale Community Centre for group or organisation’s events.
Have some questions before signing up? Get in touch through our Contact Page.
Testimonials from SCWC workshop attendees:
“I learnt so much & can’t wait until the next time. I absolutely loved having to do the mock acquisition meeting even though I did not want to do it at all. Thank you for providing a safe place for me to have a go. It was nice to feel the ‘fire’ inside of me as I haven’t felt like that in ages. Thank you for helping me see a side of me that I have missed seeing.”
“This presentation was a valuable experience for me on several levels. Certainly the insider information offered was useful. There was also my being ‘forced’ to write under pressure - this slacko found she could actually do it; from shock to revelation – it was practically Biblical. I’ve re-constructed my pitch after the succinct evaluation and I greatly valued the experience of having to read my own words on both this and the stimulus product aloud to a thoughtful adult audience.”
“I’ve done two workshops now and the info I’ve received from them has shaped my writing so much that I’m proud to say that I won the Specul8 flash fiction challenge this month. Yes its only something small, but I wanted you to know that doing these courses, helps so much, in the other genres you write. Hayley and Lauren were amazing, very giving of their time and knowledge and I just thought I’d say thank you for providing that opportunity to learn from them.”
“I wanted to thank you for a tremendous workshop on Sunday. Apart from it being well organised from all aspects, I appreciated the presenters depth of knowledge and experience in the publishing field, both in Australia and overseas. Whilst it is still early stages for me, it came at a perfect time, providing me with a roadmap to the requirements of publishing and answering many of the questions I had swirling in my head on how to formulate the way forward. Thank you.”
“Thank you for a very enjoyable and enlightening workshop at the South Coast Writer’s Centre last Sunday and for the additional notes. They have clarified many of the mysteries of the publishing world for me and will hopefully give me a little push to go further with my current project.”
“I really appreciated the time and effort you put into the session and found it to be highly instructive. I particularly enjoyed being able to practice our pitches in order to better understand how it sounds aloud to others and where our works fit ‘on the shelf’.”