Read the SCWC & Nan Tien Temple Anthology of Works 2024
Laura Golding
Megan Cartwright
Paris Rosemount
Kerri Shying
Peter Frankis
Emily Tran
Frances Olivia
Jamie Derkenne
Jackie Bailey
Siobhan Doran-Chaston
Shady Cosgrove
David Stavanger
Writers on the South Coast, or connected to Nan Tien Temple, are invited to apply for a 2024 residency at Nan Tien Temple.
Up to 12 residencies for established or emerging writers will be offered over the period of 11 – 24 March 2024.
Applicants are invited to show how the development of their writing would benefit from this residency, and a proposal for a new work developed during the residency to respond to the Nan Tien temple, its gardens, buildings and community life, or Master Hsing Yun’s poetry.
Residents will appear as part of a public presentation at the temple on Fo Guang Shan Day on May 16, 2024 to read the work created during the residency.
Hotel room with desk and chair, tea & coffee making facilities at Pilgrim Lodge
All meals provided on-site in the dining hall.
On-site parking.
Laundry facilities.
Access to Nan Tien temple staff, classes and collections.
Must be available to undertake a residency during 11 – 24 March. Minimum period of 7 days - maximum 14 days
Agree to appear as be part of a public presentation (conversation or reading) at Nan Tien Temple on May 16, 2024
Applicants agree to abide by the temple’s code of conduct*
While residents can work on their own ongoing projects while in residence, they agree to create a new work responding to the residency at the temple for publication by Nan Tien Temple and SCWC
Agree to provide a short, written report/response to the residency for public use by Nan Tien Temple and SCWC
Applicants must either be from, or connected to the South Coast of NSW, or are able to demonstrate a connection to Nan Tien Temple (via for example, community connections, study or religion)
APPLICATIONS will be assessed by a panel drawn from the SCWC and Nan Tien Temple.
6.20-7.00am Chanting Main Shrine *
7.30-8am Breakfast
8.30-9am Tai Chi in courtyard*
9am-12pm Writing time
12-12.30pm Lunch
12.30-5pm Writing time
6-7pm Dinner
* Optional
Day One: Induction: Meet, etiquette, noble silence, program outline, welcome talk from Temple representatives
Day 7: reading of works in progress
Wednesdays: Basic Buddhism 6.30-7.30pm and Meditation classes 7.30 - 9pm
Fridays: Tai Chi 4.30-5.30pm
Guided temple tour
Group writers check-in with SCWC Director Sarah Nicholson
Q & A session with a Venerable
Residency Code of Conduct* Please note there is no cooking allowed onsite. Rooms have tea & coffee making facilities only. All meals are provided in the dining hall.