South Coast Writers Centre at Headlands and Berry Writers Festivals

The South Coast Writers Centre appeared at Headlands and Berry Writers Festivals in October. Multi-award-winning author Bri Lee was in conversation with SCWC Director Sarah Nicholson at Tathra Hall on Sunday 20 October, about her debut novel The Work.

The following Sunday, SCWC was at Berry Writers Festival, celebrating debut authors from the South Coast. Held in the picturesque Berry Courthouse, New Voices of the South Coast was an informative, enlightening, and thoroughly enjoyable day celebrating local literature!

The morning panel saw traditionally published authors Kell Woods, Maxine Fawcett, Mitch Jennings and Jodi Lamanna discuss their publishing journeys with Meredith Jaffé.

They talked honing their craft through writing courses, the importance of writing and manuscript competitions even if you don’t win, and what they would do (or are doing) differently for their second books.

Then, in the afternoon, Camille Booker, Diana Plater, Elisa Cristallo and Liv Lorkin sat down with Allison Tait to talk self-publishing and independent press.

We learned the pros and cons of taking an alternative path to publishing, why authors might choose that route, and whether, knowing what they know now, they would do so again.


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