Poetry Appreciation - Mary Oliver

Poet Mary Oliver

The Poetry Appreciation group met on Wednesday 27th of July to discuss the work of celebrated American poet Mary Oliver (1935-2019). Oliver is a much-loved poet in the US, particularly for her nature and ecological poems.

This time we looked at a broader range of her work including social conscience poetry such as The Mango and Singapore; surrealist pieces such as Banyan; as well as the moving prose poem - August 1993 - which deals with life-ending illness and how life continues. The group agreed that despite her fame for such lines as : 'To live in this world / you must be able / to do three things: / to love what is mortal; / to hold it / against your bones knowing / your own life depends on it: / and, when the time comes to let it / go, / to let it go.’ (from In Blackwater Woods) Mary Oliver is much more than just a nature poet.

The Poetry Appreciation Group meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at Wollongong Library or by Zoom. New members always welcome. Next month: Anne Sexton.

Please contact Judi Morison to find out more.

Written by:

Peter Frankis
Peter writes at…https://peterfrankiswrites.blog


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