34-37 Degrees South - Country Edition


The 2023 SCWC poetry anthology comprises thirty unique perspectives, ranging from the personal and the intimate to the grand; poems about trauma, change and hope, and some wry humour too.

Cover artwork from Queensland multi-disciplinary artist and muralist Ash Taylor – Detail of a mural on the wall of the Good Drop Liquor Emporium, Wentworth St, Port Kembla.

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The 2023 SCWC poetry anthology comprises thirty unique perspectives, ranging from the personal and the intimate to the grand; poems about trauma, change and hope, and some wry humour too.

Cover artwork from Queensland multi-disciplinary artist and muralist Ash Taylor – Detail of a mural on the wall of the Good Drop Liquor Emporium, Wentworth St, Port Kembla.

The 2023 SCWC poetry anthology comprises thirty unique perspectives, ranging from the personal and the intimate to the grand; poems about trauma, change and hope, and some wry humour too.

Cover artwork from Queensland multi-disciplinary artist and muralist Ash Taylor – Detail of a mural on the wall of the Good Drop Liquor Emporium, Wentworth St, Port Kembla.